MUN-Debatte am 26.11.2022

Of determined delegates and charming chairs

MUN – Debate at the MHDS on Saturday, November 26th, 2022

On Saturday students from three different schools in Munich assembled at the MHDS to dive yet into another Model United Nations – Conference. This time the Security Council discussed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict whereas the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) focused on the current global energy crisis. 

The very professional and also charming way our four university students Felix, Sinje, Anton and Jonathan chaired the two committees encouraged the delegates to participate actively. While the delegates in the ECOSOC were trying to handle a very stubborn delegate from Iran who requested the members of the committee to lift all sanctions imposed on his country, the P5 members of the Security Council made use of the curtains and partition screens to simulate a private P5 caucus, or maybe just to safeguard the gingerbread which happened to be in that very corner. Even our visitors from the el mundo – Programme spontaneously stepped in as delegates from China and the USA to really grasp the feeling of an MUN – debate.

Our sincere thanks goes to the four MUN-experienced chairs, to the MHDS for providing their venue to us again and last but not least to the parents’ council for supporting our project! 

We are looking forward to our next event already!