Language Support Programme at Gymnasium Fürstenried
Target Group:
The programme is aimed at children who don’t speak German as a native language at home as well as German pupils who need further support.
Content / Aim of the courses:
There is one weekly afternoon lesson per age-group which is linked to a subject like Geography, History of Physics, for example. Special language skills are gained by working with scientific texts. This helps the children to express themselves precisely and clearly and enable them to improve their writing skills with long term benefits.
Pupils are taught in small groups and are not marked. This way, we guarantee individual support in a stress-free atmosphere.
Time / Location:
Current timetables are announced at the beginning of each school year (Elternbrief).
Parents can register their children during the first two school weeks. They will be informed in a separate letter via the Elternportal.
Further information:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Ms Teubel via the Eltern-Portal at any time. More information on the programme itself can be found on the website of the Kultusministerium:
Sarah Teubel, Koordinatorin Sprachbegleitung